
Momma Dreams ...

I dreamt that everyone was wrong ... it really is a boy ... F#@& what am I supposed to do with a girlie nursery? LOL And then I remembered that Brett has moved out so I had a whole other room to work with ... but I was screwed on the girlie clothes ...

End Dream Sequence.


Dear Baby ...

I see you, you little alien moving my belly all over! Just try to lay off kicking my kidneys ... owwww!


Ultrasound Results ...

Everything is a-ok! They confirmed that everything was in the correct places and all accounted for. She is growing in the 69th percentile (not to big and not too small!). Placenta is posterior and high enough to not be an issue. Amniotic fluid was something like 12 cc's or something. Most of the other details just got lost in translation! BUT I was correct on my conception date so the ACTUAL due date SHOULD BE October 7th ... they are keeping it at the 11th since she is my first. Heart rate remains around 140.

Other side effects that are kicking in:

• Stairs continue to vex me. I have to remember to go slow so I don't pass out.
• My toes are starting to look like snausages as I start to retain water :(
• My belly is getting harder as she fills out my insides.

She's pretty darn active! She wakes up around 9am. When I first get up she has to re-adjust but she goes back to sleep. During the morning she's up and down quite frequently depending on what I'm eating and if I have real sugar or caffeine. Active early and late afternoon. Usually all evening after 6:30-7 and then if I'm still awake at 2 am she starts going like a poltergeist!

We are working on names but I'm not giving any out until we decide for sure what to name her :)


Dear Baby ...

Please move up a bit! Momma doesn't like being kicked in the ovaries ... she may need them again someday. Thx!