
First Doctor's Appointment ...

So Thursday, March 12, 2009, was our first doctor's appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Weston. I had to go see Dr. Weston because my regular, Dr. Bajuyo, is out on maternity leave.

So, we go in. They do the normal check-up (I'm alive apparently ... that's a relief!). And when the Dr. comes in, we do the next step ... trying to find the heartbeat. I'm laying on the table with my shirt pushed off my belly and my pants unbuttoned (a normal event everyday for me now) and this lady holding a scanner-thingy with some gel on it. She warns me that even at 10 weeks it is possible to not hear a heartbeat. So I hold my breath. Start in the middle. Can hear my heartbeat. Go left. Still just me. Slowly go back over the middle. To the right. Maybe? Down a bit. THERE!

Wompwompwompwompwompwompwompwomp compared to my womp womp womp womp ....

I finally exhaled, not even realizing I had been holding my breath that whole time and almost lost the sound. All I could do was lay there, close to hysterics, all because there is a little thing there! I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or to cry. I whispered to Dave at one point, "Can you hear it over there?" and he was laughing! Finally, she put the Doppler away. I was still elated for hours after! How crazy can you get? There is seriously a heartbeat inside my belly! Oh, and the heartbeat was strong (soundwise) and going at about 160. Doc said my uterus was already pushing out of my pelvis (which is why my belly started protruding more around that time I'm assuming).

Then we finished the appointment and I had to go get poked (almost passed out since the lady "said" the chairs didn't lean back and she didn't use the little needle like I asked ... bullshit).

Next appointment I think is the 9th. I have to call the Midwives at St. Joseph at some point and figure out when I'm going to switch over to them. Christi suggests I do this soon since they like to care for women for as much time as possible for delivery. Why midwife? Two words: water birth. Oh yeah. I've been totally for it since I saw it on TV or a movie when I was a kid. The good thing is that it's at St. Joe so if anything goes wrong, there is support right outside the door.