It's a GIRL! I was totally excited today :) We went to St. Joe Mish for the ultrasound. The tech, Tam, was totally cool and nice and was 100% sure once the baby got into show-off position ("I've never read one wrong in 28 years."). The song that starting playing exactly when she put the scanner on my belly was Plain White T's "1,2,3,4" http://blip.fm/~7z39p She was mostly sitting on my left side (a normal placement as of late). Tam was able to ID everything she needed to and said everything looked to be in it's correct place (organs inside the body and all that good stuff). And what a profile pic we got! I think she has Dave's nose LOL. I'm pretty sure Dave was in awe the whole time. He had a big cheesy grin on his face and, of course, he couldn't look away from the monitor. It was fascinating to be able to feel and see what she was doing at the same time. Considering how long I've been feeling her, I finally got to see her!
As a side note: Yesterday I felt her move from the outside for the first time. Christie had said I should be able to feel it from the outside, so I sat real still when I woke up and sure enough there she was! It reminds me of a blow-up kiddy pool: I feel it on the inside like I'm in the pool feeling vibrations from someone kicking the inside edge ... I also can feel it from the outside like I'm just resting my hand on the edge of the pool. It's the weirdest two-places-at-one-time scenario!
So now I can decorate and all that jazz!