
Challenge Day #2

Menu Day #2

Breakfast: Fridge Oatmeal
Lunch: Salad with Beans from last night, Avocado, Tomato and Avocado Cilantro Dressing
Dinner: Rosemary Salmon and Roasted Asparagus and Zucchini
Snacks: Strawberries, Egg, Homemade Garlic Hummus and Veggies

Assessment of Day #1:

I want cheese. And a big glass of milk. And a fucking DRINK. Otherwise I was STARVING all day and I'm usually someone who "starves." I usually eat twice a day and I'm good. Drinking the fiber drink and eating oatmeal first thing in the morning must be kicking my ass into gear because I'm never starving to the point that I would bite someone's arm off for something to chew on like yesterday! Lordy fraking hell ... Also, by the time we got to dinner, I couldn't finish it. TOO MUCH BEAN SOUP even though I portioned out like a cup.

Onto FOOD:

Spicy Bean Salad with Avocado Cilantro Dressing

Based off of this recipe: Southwestern Salad with Black Beans from Delish.com

Salad base is easy again: spinach and organic greens. I chopped up green onions, tomatoes and avocado for filler and garnish. The beans are left over from dinner yesterday that I pulled out before we ate and put on the salad cold.

Let me say on the dressing: this would be much better with yogurt instead of using EVOO. Right now, I'm not too thrilled with the taste (since I made it last night). Hopefully is macerates into something more yummy by lunch.


Lime Cilantro Dressing

1/2 ripe avocado
3/4 c. packed fresh cilantro
1/2 c. non-fat plain yogurt (I used about 1/4-1/2 c. EVOO - I'm going yogurt next time!)
2 scallions, chopped
2 clove(s) garlic, quartered
1 tbsp. lime juice (I used half a lime ... kind of overkill


Notes: Not as bad as it could have been. Mixing it with everything else helped ease the flavors everywhere. I had a hard time eating it again though. Those damn beans need cheese ... Dave LOVED it as is. He said he liked all the avocado (which I did, too). But he liked it better than day one for sure.

Homemade Garlic and Garlic Jalapeno Hummus

Recipe based off of: Roasted Jalapeno & Lime Hummus from theKitchn.com AND my friend Shauna's personal recipe.

I have never made hummus. Ever. I always let everyone make it for me or I buy it from the store. Making chickpeas from scratch ... was a lot of waiting ... and soaking ... and then slow boiling. The way I saw online was "soak for 8-10 hours then low boil for 2 hours." So I soaked them for about 20 hours - by the time I got around to making them - and then boiled about 2 hours. I had to add what I thought was quite a bit of water but apparently that can happen (which no one had mentioned when I was getting recipes ... but I'm glad I did it). Shauna did clue me in about fast boiling this morning: "Basically, you just boil, turn off the heat and let sit for an hour and then drain and add more water and cook on low for an hour." <<< next time I'm doing that!

Truthfully: I'm in love with this stuff! Dave's jalapeno version is way too much for my tastebuds but the base is perfect for me!

Things I did different: I didn't roast the jalapenos. They have enough flavor as is IMO. Dave also left the seeds in with his diced pieced to give it extra kick. Shauna uses sun dried tomatoes or roasted red peppers in hers and lemon juice; I opted to leave those out and use lime instead (because I love lime). Also, I particularly think that the cumin and, secondarily, the coriander I added gave it that super familiar flavor that you find in the store bought version! I also divided this up and did it in two batches: so 1 cup chickpeas per batch and halfed the ingredient per batch so we have the regular and the jalapeno versions. This is also better for my blender as a full batch wouldn't have fit. LOTS of garlic. I love garlic and it's good for you!


Homemade Hummus

(1 big jalapeño - for a tangy version for a half batch - use 2 for a whole batch)
2 c. chickpeas (prep from scratch otherwise canned)
3-4 tbsp. lime juice (squeezed a 1/4 of a lime per batch - 1/2 a lime total)
4-6 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
2 tbsp. tahini (or substitute extra-virgin olive oil)
½ tsp. cumin
½ tsp. coriander
½ tsp. sea salt
4 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil


(optional - about a 1 tsp. dill weed)

Add ingredients to blender and mix up. Add water until consistency is your preferred thickness.


Notes: I'm still in love with this today. I'm eating it now. I want more. Now.

Rosemary Salmon and Roasted Asparagus and Zucchini

I was going to make tuna but the store only had salmon. I'll live :)

Recipe based from: Roasted Asparagus from shewearsmanyhats.com AND #2 marinade for grilled tuna steak (with oregano).

Simple and easy ... or so I hope! I just hope Dave has my prep done when I get home! I'm getting tired of this cooking thing every night so far LOL

Also, I kept some of the marinade aside and added vinegar to use for tomorrow salad. It's yummy and fragrant!


Rosemary Marinade for Salmon

1/4 c. EVOO

1 tbsp. Rosemary

1 tbsp. Basil

2 tbsp. Lemon Juice

2 cloves garlic

dash sea salt

Toss in blender to combine. Spray or oil foil so fish doesn't stick. Rub down fish with mix (let set for 30 minutes if you have time). Close and cook at 400 for 20-25 minutes.


Roasted Asparagus & Zucchini

1 lemon - sliced

handful of rosemary sprigs

2 tbsp. EVOO

salt and pepper to taste

Toss everything in foil together (or on parchment on a pan). Cook on 400 for 7 minutes. Toss. Cook another 8 or until done.


Notes: Mmmmmmm good dinner! Alice even tried a tiny bit of her asparagus top which was good and David ate the crap out of the fish she didn't eat! I looked at my plate when I plated it thinking, "I wish I had more food to eat," but I was full by the time I finished.

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