Menu #5
Breakfast: Fridge Oatmeal
Snack: Egg and Apple
Lunch: Leftover Taco Wraps with Extra Slaw Dressing
Snack: Hummus and Veggies
Dinner: Greek Chicken and Quinoa
Assessment of Day 4:
Well, after being exhausted 2 days in a row, I said screw it all and went to bed at 10:30. I ended up with 7 hours of sleep THANK GOODNESS and I think my body is finally happy with me today for doing that! Not really achy today nor too tired. I need to make sure I'm getting my sleep in for the rest of this challenge.
No weird cravings except for the vinegar still. Dave was wanting beer yesterday. Ice, cold, refreshing BEER. I told him to SHUT IT because I didn't want to start thinking about it LOL. Once I get past a couple of days, the alcohol thing isn't too bad for me since I've done it before. Now, I would love some ice cream at this point. Or cheese soup. Later in the day: I'm wanting BW3s ... I'm in so much trouble!
Leftover Taco Wraps and Slaw Salad with extra Dressing
Easy peasy lunch again: leftovers. I cut the slaw up smaller and added the rest of the romaine to it to bulk it up for lunch. Added the leftover turkey. Threw chopped tomatoes on mine. I threw together a quick dressing but I didn't measure anything so I'll try and give you a decent description:
Avocado Balsamic Dressing
1/4 c. Balsamic
1/4 c. EVOO
Cracked Black Pepper
1/2 an avocado
Squeeze of lime
Blend. Pour over the salad the night before so it blends the tastes together
Notes: MUCH better flavor-wise this way over the way we had it last night. Letting that dressing sit turned it into a perfect mushy of taco salad. OH YUM.
Greek Chicken and Garlic Quinoa
I WANT A GRAIN! So I'm making quinoa. You can't go wrong with it. It's yummy and mushy and GRAIN. 10,000 different ways to make it up (like pasta). Mmmmmmm And I'm going to go ballistic over the kalamata olives I have a feeling.
Recipe is adapted from: Greek Chicken Thighs from For the Love of Cooking
Greek Chicken
1 tbsp of EVOO
1/2 onion thinly sliced
1 clove garlic
Heat and saute in a pan. Set onions aside
4 Boneless skinless chicken breasts
Dash of sea salt
oregano to taste
Garlic Garlic
In same onion pan, rub and season the chicken. Sear on each side for about 2 minutes per side.
Place Chicken in a glass baking dish.
1 lemon
zest from 1 lemon
Handful of kalamata olives
handful of grape tomatoes
oregano to taste
(feta ... next time)
Pour juice and zest over chicken. Place onions, kalamata Olives (halved), and grape tomatoes (halved) over chicken. Cover and bake in 425 degree oven for 25-30 minutes.
Garlic Quinoa
1 c. Quinoa
2 c. water
Onion Onion
Garlic Garlic
Squeeze of lemon
chop some kalamata olives up small
Place everything in pan. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Let set 5.
Notes: YUM! Everyone ate this! Alice even ate the quinoa and the chicken. The lemon really brings it all together but isn't overpowering. Chicken was moist and searing before baking really did help seal in the juices. This was a great eating day!
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