
I have a colicky baby..

So we were trying to decide if she was just high-need or silent reflux or colicky. It appears that she is high need and colicky. She has her screaming episodes daily and she also hates being put down. I started her on 3 to 1 milk to soy formula because I was hardly keeping up. The soy is much better than the regular for her tummy. We got a swing from Grandma Foster and I thought it was going to be a perfect distraction ... lo and behold she will still cry for a long time when in it! At least I can set her down and do house work and she eventually will get distracted ... but it still is hard dealing with the screaming. If I get sleep it's not a big deal.

This week I thought we were finally scheduling. She went down 2 nights in a row at 1:30 a.m. and slept until 8ish ... Then the last two nights it's been 5 a.m. And now tonight she passed out at 10:30 p.m. I'm so screwed because I'm afraid to go to bed because as soon as I do she'll wake up!

She is smiling more! Her favorite place to be is on her changing table where she "talks" to the wall and smiles. It cracks me up! I'm getting better response from her during the day. If she wakes normally then I get BIG smiles :) She really likes responding with smiles when I call her a Silly Baby. Everyday is a new experience and I can't wait until we are done with the daily screaming fits and Alice can be a happy lovey baby like I can sometimes see ... just there on the edge :)

1 comment:

Rhia said...

Colic is indeed a big struggle for parents to cope with. There are ways to help ease the pain that it causes. Soft massage on the baby's tummy would be helpful. And don't forget to let him burp after every feeding. Thanks and good luck.