
NCB Affirmation

From one of the BBC girls ... Thank you for posting ... I'll be needing this!


In a few moments my baby will arrive. For the next few hours I will be exposed to labor’s demands. It is now that I must make a choice. I am free to choose, and so I choose…

I choose love…

This is my baby’s birth day. Today I will put my needs, my desires, my hopes and my feelings on hold so I can concentrate on giving my baby the birth he needs.

I choose joy…

I will not give into the temptation to wallow in self-pity. I will celebrate each contraction as one step closer to holding my baby. I will remind myself that this is the event I have waited for so many months.

I choose peace…

I will not battle my body or my baby. I will simply allow my baby to use my body as an entrance point for life.

I choose patience…

I will overlook the inconveniences of labor. Rather than complain that the wait is too long, I will be thankful for the time to savor this change in my life. I will use this time to put my heart and mind in a state of joy to meet my baby.

I choose kindness…

I will be kind to my baby, he is alone and he may be frightened. I will not allow myself to benefit by putting him at risk.

I choose goodness…

I will not let myself give into the temptation to use labor as an excuse to be rude, angry, mean, hurtful, lazy or prideful. This is my first opportunity to teach my baby about relationships.

I choose faithfulness…

Today, I will keep my promise to my baby. My family will not question my love.

I choose gentleness…

Nothing is won by force. If I raise my voice may it only be in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer. If I make a demand, may it be only of me.

I choose self control…

I will not allow myself to lower my standards simply because I am in labor. I will continue to strive for excellence regardless of the pain.

In a few moments my baby will arrive. For the next few hours I will be exposed to labor’s demands. It is now that I must make a choice.

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